Электронная библиотека КНУ им.Ж.Баласагына

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  • Textbook of biochemistry
    • Textbook of biochemistry: 6th Edition For Medical Students– New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd, 2011. - 657 p
    • This book contains an amalgamation of the essentials of basic biochemistry along with the advanced knowledge in the frontiers of molecular biology. The first edition of the book was published in 1995, and is now running the 6th edition. The book is now accepted as a standard textbook in all the medical colleges in India and abroad. Total of more than 100,000 copies have already been sold. The book has been designed with 7 sections. Section A deals with chemical basis of life. Section B is devoted to general metabolism. Section C describes clinical and applied biochemistry. Section D develops the clinical nutrition. Section E elaborates molecular biology. Section F denotes hormones and homeostasis. Section G is for advanced biochemistry. The 6th edition contains about 1,100 figures, 230 tables and 200 boxes, altogether making the book very student-friendly. Much emphasis has been given on clinical aspect of biochemistry, and the book is written aiming the students who are going to become practicing physicians. For example, chapter 24 gives the metabolic alterations in Diabetes Mellitus and in pre-diabetic states. Chapter 25 shows the relationship of cholesterol and lipoproteins with myocardial infarction. Chapter 26 gives the routine and special investigations done to identify liver diseases. Chapter 27 contains the alterations of parameters during kidney disease. Chapter 29 identifies the alterations in acid base balance and the life threatening conditions leading to changes in blood pH. Chapters on clinical chemistry have been extensively updated and clinically relevant points were further added. Out of the total 600 pages, more than 200 pages are devoted to the Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition. Another 75 pages are devoted to the advances in Molecular Biology. Page 265 gives the details of cardiac markers, the alterations in serum enzymes during myocardial infarction. This text will keep the reader updated with important advances in the field of clinical biochemistry in a comprehensive but readable format.
  • Biochemistry
    • Satyanarayana, U. Biochemistry: 3rd edition. – Kolkata: Books and Allied (P) Ltd., 2007. - 792 p.
    • This textbook ‘Biochemistry’ has become one of the most preferred text books (in India and many other countries) for the students as well as teachers in medical, biological and other allied sciences. The book has undergone three editions, several reprints, and revised reprints in a span of 13 years. There are many biochemistry textbooks in the market. Some of them are purely basic while others are applied, and there are very few books which cover both these aspects together. For this reason, the students learning biochemistry in their undergraduate courses have to depend on multiple books to acquire a sound knowledge of the subject. This book, ‘Biochemistry’ is unique with a simultaneous and equal emphasis on basic and applied aspects of biochemistry. This textbook offers an integration of medical and pure sciences, comprehensively written to meet the curriculum requirements of undergraduate courses in medical, dental, pharmacy, life-sciences and other categories (agriculture, veterinary, etc.). This book is designed to develop in students a sustained interest and enthusiasm to learn and develop the concepts in biochemistry in a logical and stepwise manner. It incorporates a variety of pedagogic aids, besides colour illustrations to help the students understand the subject quickly and to the maximum. The summary and biomedical/clinical concepts are intended for a rapid absorption and assimilation of the facts and concepts in biochemistry. The self-assessment exercises will stimulate the students to think rather than merely learn the subject. In addition, these exercises (essays, short notes, fill in the blanks, multiple choice questions) set at different difficulty levels, will cater to the needs of all the categories of learners.
  • Harper's Illustrated Biochemistry: A Lange medical book: 28th edition.
    • Harper's Illustrated Biochemistry: A Lange medical book: 28th edition. - New York: McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2009. - 693 p.
    • Many biochemical books include a section with clinical notes, which is extremely important for medical students. And Harper's medical biochemistry is one of them. Here you can learn about all the chemical reactions and various mechanisms of the human body.
  • Topographic anatomy and operative surgery.: 1st Edition
    • Tatyana A. Fominykh. Topographic anatomy and operative surgery.: 1st Edition – Simferopol: Tavriya. 2006. – 316 p
    • Topographic Anatomy and Operative Surgery is the educational discipline containing systematized scientific knowledge and techniques in the field of topographic anatomy and operative surgery, studying the layer anatomy of organs regions, topography of the organs, principles and techniques of surgical procedures.
  • Gray's Anatomy for Students: 2nd Edition.
    • Richard L. Drake, Wayne Vogl Gray's Anatomy for Students: 2nd Edition. – New York: Churchill Livingstone/Elsevier, 2010. – 1540 p
    • Easy to read, superbly illustrated, and clinically relevant, Gray's Anatomy for Students, 2nd Edition, is medical students' go-to text for essential information in human anatomy. This fully revised volume focuses on the core information students need to know, in an easy-access format and with additional multimedia tools that facilitate effective study and mastery of the material. A team of expert authors and global advisors share their extensive teaching and clinical experience, highlighted by more than 1,000 innovative, original illustrations throughout the text. Helps students understand the practical applications of anatomical concepts through unique coverage of surface anatomy, correlative diagnostic images, and clinical case studies. Presents anatomy logically by body region, and now offers bonus eBook chapters for each major body system to facilitate learning from a different perspective - covering the
  • Moore’s Clinical Anatomy Flash Cards: 2nd Edition.
    • Gould Douglas J. Moore’s Clinical Anatomy Flash Cards: 2nd Edition. – New York: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, a Wolters Kluwer business, Philadelphia 2014. – 710 p
    • This publication contains information relating to general principles of medical care that should not be construed as specifi c instructions for individual patients. Manufacturers’ product information and package inserts should be reviewed for current information, including contraindications, dosages, and precautions.
  • BD Chaurasia's Handbook of General anatomy: Handbook
    • Chaurasia, B. D. BD Chaurasia's Handbook of General anatomy: Handbook: 4th Edition. – New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd, 2009. - 262 p.
    • This tutorial is the most preferred and ideal tutorial, both in India and abroad. The best thing about this book is that, it is very precise, to the point and easy to understand. Not only this, but there are various diagrams and tables that makes it more easy for student to understand and revise/recall for exams.
  • Философия таинства бытия мироздания Вселенной
    • Нусупов Ч.Т. Философия таинства бытия мироздания Вселенной: Учебное пособие / КНУ им.Ж.Баласагына; НАН КР.- Бишкек, 2019.- 138с. ISBN 978-9967-16-163-4
    • Книга рассчитана на широкий круг читателей – научных и творческих работников, философов, политологов, историков, естественников, преподавателей вузов, аспирантов и студентов.
  • Философское учение о душе
    • НусуповЧ.Т. Философское учение о душе: Учебное пособие для вузов / МОиН КР; КНУ им.Ж.Баласагына; НАН КР.- Бишкек, 2019.-144с. ISBN 978-9967-28-292-6
    • Книга рассчитана на широкий круг читателей – научных и творческих работников, философов, политологов, историков, преподавателей вузов, аспирантов и студентов.
  • Педагогикалык чеберчиликке жүз кадам
    • Раимкулова А.С. Педагогикалык чеберчиликке жүз кадам: Окуу-методикалык колдонмо / КР Били Берүү,Илим жана Жаштар Саясатынын Министрлиги; Ж.Баласагын атындагы КУУ.-Бишкек, 2006.- 58б.
    • Кыргыз тилинде окуу куралдар жокко эссе болгондуктан, бул окуу-методикалык колдонмо жаш мугалимдерге, аспиранттарга, магистранттарга, студенттерге жардам катарында сунуш кылынат.