Электронная библиотека КНУ им.Ж.Баласагына

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  • The Developing Human
    • Moore Keith T. The Developing Human: 10th Edition, Clinically Oriented Embryology Torchia, . – Philadelphia: Elsevier Inc., 2016. -524p
    • Written by some of the world's most famous anatomists, the 10th edition of The Developing Human: Clinically Oriented Embryology continues to present medical students with a comprehensive and easily digestible review of this complex topic. Clearly written and well-structured descriptions include just the information that’s needed, while nearly 600 illustrations help provide a clinically oriented guide to human development, utilizing a week-by-week and stage-by-stage approach to describe fetal organ and system development.
  • Larsen's Human Embryology
    • Larsen's Human Embryology: 5th Edition - Philadelphia, 2015. - 526 p.
    • Larsen's Human Embryology works as a well-organized, straightforward guide to this highly complex subject, placing an emphasis on the clinical application of embryology and presenting it in an easily digestible manner. Ideal for visual students, this updated medical textbook includes a superior art program, brand-new online animations, and high-quality images throughout; clear descriptions and explanations of human embryonic development, based on all of the most up-to-date scientific discoveries and understanding, keep you abreast of the latest knowledge in the field.
  • DC Dutta’s Textbook of Gynecology including Contraception
    • DC Dutta’s Textbook of Gynecology including Contraception: 7th Edition – New Delhi: The Health Sciences Publisher, 2016. – 588 p
    • Medical knowledge and practice change constantly. This book is designed to provide accurate, authoritative information about the subject matter in question. However, readers are advised to check the most current information available on procedures included and check information from the manufacturer of each product to be administered, to verify the recommended dose, formula, method and duration of administration, adverse effects and contraindications. It is the responsibility of the practitioner to take all appropriate safety precautions. Neither the publisher nor the author(s)/editor(s) assume any liability for any injury and/or damage to persons or property arising from or related to use of material in this book.