Электронная библиотека КНУ им.Ж.Баласагына

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  • Davidson’s Principles and Practice of Medicine. Any screen. Any time. Any where
    • Stuart H. Ralston Davidson’s Principles and Practice of Medicine. Any screen. Any time. Any where.: 23rd Edition – Edinburgh: Elsevier, Inc., 2018. – 1440 p
    • This text on clinical medicine has been updated to aid learning and revision. Topics covered include genetic, climatic and environmental factors in disease, and endocrine and metabolic diseases, whilst a new chapter on geriatric medicine has also been included.
  • Case Studies in Adult Intensive Care Medicine
    • Bryden Daniele. Case Studies in Adult Intensive Care Medicine: 1st Edition – London: Cambridge University Press, 2017. – 383 p
    • In their book, editors Bryden and Temple1 present an excellent review of the most common types of cases seen in the intensive care unit (ICU). The reviewed topics are relevant for physicians taking care of patients in the neuro-ICU, surgical ICU, trauma ICU, and medical ICU. It provides an excellent overview of critical illnesses and is recommended for students, residents, and fellows preparing for exams, as well as practicing intensivists who wish to revisit these topics.
  • A History of Medicine
    • A History of Medicine. From Prehistory to the Year 2020- Morgan Samuel Editions.- London, 1992.- 258 p.
    • This book is intended solely as a work of reference on the history and possible future of medicine.