Электронная библиотека КНУ им.Ж.Баласагына

Моя родина там, где моя библиотека. Эразм Роттердамский

  • Уголовно исполнительное право Кыргызской Республики
    • Шагивалиев А.К. и др. Уголовно-исполнительное право Кыргызской Республики. Общая часть: Учебное пособие / А.К. Шагивалиев, А.К. Сманалиева, Р.А. Шагивалиев; под общ. ред. Н.Н. Сулаймановой. Бишкек: Изд-во КРСУ, 2017. 203 с. ISBN 978-9967-19-397-0
    • Предназначен для студентов, преподавателей юридических вузов, учебных центров подготовки работников правоохранительных органов, судей, адвокатов, сотрудников УИС КР и всех других, интересующихся проблемами исполнения уголовных наказаний.
  • Кыргызская Республика и международное публичное право
    • Бейшембиев Э.Ж. Кыргызская Республика и международное публичное право. –Бишкек: Тип. КНУ им. Ж. Баласагына. – 2015. -136 с.
    • Учебное пособие предназначено для студентов юридических факультетов университетов, бакалавров, магистров, докторов PhD и дипломатов.
  • Теория государства и права
    • Мукамбаева Г.А. Теория государства и права: Учебно - методическое пособие «Просвещение» . -. Бишкек, 2005.- 236 с. ISBN 9967-22-685-4
    • Настоящее учебное пособие подготовлено в полном соответствии с новыми учебными стандартами и учебной программой по курсу теории государства и права. Оно предназначено для студентов юридических вузов и ставит своей целью оказание помощи при подготовке к семинарским занятиям, экзаменам, при написании курсовых и дипломных работ.
  • Уголовно-процессуальный кодекс Кыргызской Республики 2017 года
    • Кулбаев А. К. Уголовно-процессуальный кодекс Кыргызской Республики 2017 года: новеллы.Учебно-практическое пособие. –Бишкек, 2018. – 183 с. ISBN 978-9967-32-308-7
    • Настоящее пособие разработано при финансовой поддержке Регионального отделения Управления Верховного Комиссара ООН по Правам Человека для Центральной Азии (УВКПЧ РОЦА). Взгляды, выраженные в этой публикации, являются мнением автора и не обязательно отражают точку зрения Организации Объединенных Наций /УВКПЧ.
  • Кыргызская Республика и современное международное право
    • Бейшембиев Э.Ж. Кыргызская Республика и современное международное право. - Б.: Тип. КНУ им. Ж. Баласагына. 2020. - 244с.
    • Монография первого среди ученых-юристов лауреата Государственной премии Кыргызстана в области науки и техники, профессора КНУ им. Ж.Баласагына Э.Ж. Бейшембиева написана на основе новой редакции Конституции Кыргызстана (2016г.), а также новых законов республики, международно-правовых источников и судебной практики. Монография предназначена для студентов юридических факультетов университетов, бакалавров, магистров, докторов PhD и дипломатов.
  • Trauma. Chapter 42 (Surgery Essence)
    • Pritesh Kumar. Trauma. Chapter 42 (Surgery Essence):– New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd., 2016. – 53 p
    • A comprehensive book of multiple choice questions with an extensive coverage of the subject was the need of the time. The questions included in the book are highly informative, with accurate explanations and referencing given for each of them. This book will not only help the entrance aspirants but also help the undergraduate and postgraduate students as MCQs have become an integral part of their written examinations and viva-voce. MCQs are written chapter wise looking into the finer details and for the ease of student’s comprehension. MCQs have high reliability, validity and manageability. They are a precise way of assessing students’ knowledge. This book is divided into ten sections which comprise total 51 chapter. The first section deals with endocrine surgery. Section second and third discusses the hepatobiliary pancreatic surgery and gastrointestinal surgery. Section fourth and five describes the urology and cardiothoracic vascular surgery. Section sixth and seventh covers the plastic surgery and neurosurgery. Section eighth deals with head and neck. Section ninth and tenth discusses the oncology and others surgery.
  • Diseases of Ear, Nose and Throat & Head and Neck Surgery
    • P.L. Dhingra, Shruti Dhingra and Deeksha Dhingra. Diseases of Ear, Nose and Throat & Head and Neck Surgery: 6th Edition – New Delhi: Elsevier, a division of Reed Elsevier India Private Limited, 2014. – 491 p
    • Diseases of Ear, Nose and Throat & Head and Neck Surgery has been regarded as the most sought-after text for the study of ENT. With this eighth edition, the book completes 30 years of service to the students. Since its inception in 1992, it has been widely received by the readers. The eighth edition of the book is thoroughly updated as per guidelines of National Medical Commission in accordance with the competency-based curriculum. Following recent developments and advances in the subject, the book provides essential and conceptual knowledge about disorders of ENT.
  • Bailey & Love's Short Practice Of Surgery
    • Norman S. Williams Bailey & Love's Short Practice Of Surgery: 26th Edition. – London: Taylor & Francis Group, 2013. – 1453 p
    • Now in its 26th edition, this textbook's traditional strengths are combined with the latest updates in effective clinical examination and soundly based surgical principles, while taking account throughout of the latest developments in surgical practice.
  • Clinical Techniques in Surgery
    • Dr. Muhammad Shamim. Clinical Techniques in Surgery: 2nd Edition – Karachi: Khurram & Brothers, 2016. – 258 p
    • This book has been written with an eye towards both clinical diagnosis in actual patient management, as well as clinical diagnosis in your own practical exam settings. It represents a departure from the usual physical examination teaching tools which, in their attempts to be all inclusive, tend to de-emphasize the practical nature of patient care. As a result, students frequently have difficulty identifying what information is truly relevant, why it's important & how it applies to the actual patient. By approaching clinical surgery in a pragmatic & demystified fashion, the significance of the material should be readily apparent & the underlying principles more clearly understood.
  • Sabiston Textbook of Surgery. The Biological Basis of Modern Surgical Practice
    • Courtney M. Townsend. Sabiston Textbook of Surgery. The Biological Basis of Modern Surgical Practice: 20 th Edition. – New Delhi: Elsevier, Inc., 2017. – 2136 p
    • Sabiston Textbook of Surgery is your ultimate foundation for confident surgical decision making. Covering the very latest science and data affecting your treatment planning, this esteemed medical reference helps you make the most informed choices so you can ensure the best outcome for every patient. Consult it on the go with online access at expertconsult.com, and get regular updates on timely new findings and advances. Overcome tough challenges, manage unusual situations, and avoid complications with the most trusted advice in your field. Prepare for tests and exams with review questions and answers online. Keep up with the very latest developments concerning abdominal wall reconstruction, tumor immunology and immunotherapy, peripheral vascular disease, regenerative medicine, liver transplantation, kidney and pancreas transplantation, small bowel transplantation, the continually expanding role of minimally invasive and robotic surgery, and many other rapidly evolving areas.